Collections Policies & Procedures

The Archaeological Research Collection is open on a limitied basis; to request access to the collections please follow the link for more info »

The policy descriptions and forms available on this web site are provided for your information and convenience in Adobe Acrobat format. Please feel free to download these forms, fee schedules, and manuals, and to print them for your use. Completed forms (either typed or handwritten) with an original signature may be mailed or faxed to the Museum, to the attention of the appropriate staff member, at the address or fax number below. We encourage you to call or email collections staff to discuss individual photo, loan, or research interests prior to submitting a request.

Collections Forms

Rights and Reproductions 

  • For Requests for photo use fees, for collection photo images, and for publication/reproduction requests please contact Lisa Mendoza, MIAC Registrar,, 505-476-1329. Please note that requests take 6-8 weeks processing per request.

Fax Number: (505) 476-1330

Mailing/Shipping Address: Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology, 710 Camino Lejo, Santa Fe, NM 87505